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Sisters – Lindystock Saturday Night Performance

httpvh:// Vincent Lemieux and Jasper Palfree perform “Sisters”, a scene from the movie White Christmas. However, they add a Krister twist. This kicked off the Saturday night evening meeting.

The Shaving of Krister

httpvh:// Krister pays the ultimate price for losing the pushup contest at Lindystock. The result is his head is shaved into a mohawk. His beard is also shaved into a beardhawk. Jaime and Victoria do the honours while Tien does the...

DJ Battle – Lindystock Friday Night Part 6

httpvh:// Friday Night Evening meeting at Lindystock. The epic DJ battle between Phil and Randy. Randy took home the golden DJ medallion of awesomeness, but, In the end, it was the dancers who won as both DJ’s spun terrific...

Lindystock Chili Recipe

Sorry to have taken so long to get this up, I’ve had a couple of requests for the recipe so here it is.  I’m including both the Veggie and Meat options in one recipe, but you can easily tweak it in either direction. This recipe serves 5-8 depending on...